Work on your confidence and be bold.
As a teacher, your confidence matters a lot both in and outside the classroom.
The boldness with which you deliver your lessons inspire and motivate learners to participate and learn better but you can only achieve this if you rehearse and master your content and methodology ahead of time -prio preparation is key.
I know colleagues who are constantly looking out the window to see if someone is coming. Some also pause teaching whenever a supervisor is passing by while others change their gear and raise their voice to prove a point.
If you know what you are doing, if you are on top of your game, you won’t be bothered about whoever that’s watching. You are the one in front, the man in charge.
The whole world is your classroom. If the minister of education, the director General or the president should enter your class, find a comfortable place for them to sit, see it as an opportunity to teach them something they should have learnt back in their school days. Just be you as best as you can.
Yes, they may ask questions about your work. Questions are meant to be answered. Why panic? You just need to care enough, be observant of your environment, know much about you work terrain. Continuously update your knowledge. Try to do and learn the right things as much as possible. And you won’t have any issues.
There should always be a reason why you are doing something or acting in a certain way and make sure it falls within the guiding principles. In case you bend any rule for any reason, have a rational explanation.
Be honest and ready to accept it in good faith when your shortfalls are exposed to you.
Be bold but not arrogant. Many people usually mistake arrogance and disrespect for being bold and confident. There’s a thin line between them.
Article from Informed Teachers Network ITN.
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